Technologické inovační centrum Zlínský kraj

Obchodní společnost KREDIT, spol. s r.o.

Contact information

284, 68764 Slavkov
Company ID:
Contact person:
Petr Motlík
+420 702 200 927

Description of the company's activities

As a prudcer of racks, rack systems and warehouse technologies, KREDIT was founded in 1992. Nowadays, the company plays an important role as a producer of dynamic warehouse technologeis on the European market. KREDIT has its own premises in a small village Slavkov near Uherske Hradiste.

Business activity

Production of bases for mobile technologies and archives.

Major products and services

Mobile pallet, cantilever and archive racks, racks for freezer warehouses.
Warehouse automation - vertical storage systems, satellites.
Stacionary racks for storage of tires, loose goods or goods on pallets, racks and shelves for libraries, muzeums etc.
Multilevel storage systems.

Major products and services for export

Mobile pallet racks MOBIAPL, mobile cantilever racks MOBIKANT, electrified archives MOBIRACK E, racks for freezer warehouses.

Number of employees


Countries of current export

EU, Russia

Interest to export to the following countries

USA und Kanada, Skandinavien, baltische Staaten

Proposal/request for partnership

We provide complete services ranging from the project documentation and production to assembly and life-service taking in consideration all safety measures, innovative applications and continuous development.

Certifications (ISO)

ISO 9001, ISO 14001

Significant foreign contract/references

The Royal Library in Denmark, Central medicinal archive in Moscow.
Warehouse technologies for SIEMENS, Coca-Cola, Nowaco.
Alphabetical list
in the whole Catalogue
in companies
in products