Technologické inovační centrum Zlínský kraj


Contact information

qr code: WALMAG MAGNETICS s.r.o.
Hulínská 1799/1, 767 01 Kroměříž
Company ID:
Contact person:
Zbyněk Tihelka
+420 602 520 849

Description of the company's activities

Machine production company with more than 20 years of tradition and worldwide activity in development, production and maintenance of magnetic industrial applications. In the past our products were known under the brand Walker Magnetics.

Business activity

Machine production, metalwork, specialised production, sales and consulting in the field of magnetic systems.

Major products and services

Load lifting magnets, magnets for grinding, magnets for milling, demagnetizingtechnology and products.

Major products and services for export

Load lifting magnets, magnets for grinding, magnets for milling, demagnetizing technology and products.

Number of employees


Countries of current export

USA, Canada, EU, Korea, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, former Yugoslavia.

Interest to export to the following countries

Weltweit, Australien, China, Indien Arabische Halbinsel

Proposal/request for partnership

Seeking stable partners for the sale and distribution of our products.

Certifications (ISO)

Previously ISO 9001, not at present.

Membership in associations

Association of lifting equipment technical operators CR

Significant foreign contract/references

Supply of magnetic beams for Arcelor Mittal/Poland; scheduled deliveries of permanent magnets USS Steel Košice; load lifting magnets CATERPILLAR/ Ukraine, Konecranes/Ukraine, special clamps pro FARO USA.


Alphabetical list
in the whole Catalogue
in companies
in products