Business structure
At the end of 2010, the Commercial Register filed a total of 134,374 business entities located in the Zlín Region. In comparison with the same period in 2009, the number increased by 2,504, that is 1.9 %. The structure of business entities by legal form, shows that the largest share is held by physical entities numbering at 109.3 thousand, representing 81.4 % of total business entities in the region. Of those, more than 102,000 are sole proprietors (76.0 %), with 5,300 freelancers (3.9 %) and 1,900 agricultural entrepreneurs (1.4 %). The second largest group was represented by companies. At the end of 2010 this group numbered 13,400, that is 10.0 % of the total number of entities located in the region. Less numerous legal entities include partnerships and consortiums, housing cooperatives or foreign entities.
Industry structure in the Zlín Region
The current industrial potential of the region is based on the existence of established major manufacturers. A key role is played by business entities in the rubber and plastics industry, electronics and electrical engineering, food processing, mechanical engineering, building & construction or furniture manufacturing. In recent years the region has seen strong growth in the information and communications technology (ICT) industry. The industrial potential of the Zlín Region rests in companies in the manufacturing industry, making up 17.2 % of the total number of registered entities. The manufacturing industry has a 39.1 % share of the gross value added, which is the highest rate from among all the regions of the Czech Republic (the average value for the Czech Republic was 34.7 %). The remaining industries in the economy contribute less than 10 % to the gross value added, with the exception of commerce (11.9 %) and business services (11.1 %). The manufacturing industry also employs the largest number of employees in the region. According to a survey of the workforce, in 2008 this industry had 102,700 employees, representing 36.2 % of the total employment in the region (28.6 % in the Czech Republic). In terms of total revenues from the manufacturing industry, the largest share is earned by the rubber industry.
Plastics and Rubber Industry
In recent years the plastics industry has experienced unparalleled growth. The significance of the segment grew hand in hand with the dynamically expanding automotive and electrical engineering industries. The future outlook for the industry is supported by the availability of raw materials, by extensive supply chain relationships with other industrial segments, as well as the growing competitiveness of local parts manufacturers taking advantage of leading technologies and the current low per-capita consumption of plastics. There are a growing number of applications for rubber and plastic products in the food processing industry (i.e. packaging), in building construction, the energy industry, in household products and leisure activities, etc. The region has anactive Plastics Cluster (Plastikářský klastr z.s.p.o.,) that brings together companies from the plastics industry. Currently, the cluster has 32 members and has expanded its activities outside the borders of the Zlín Region.
Chemical Industry
The chemical industry is a stable segment providing products that are essential to agriculture and building & construction, and materials for processing in other industrial segments.
Mechanical Engineering Industry
In the Zlín Region the mechanical engineering industry produces a very wide range of products and as such should not be underestimated. The most commonly produced products are machine parts and components primarily for automotive engineering, manufacture of hydraulic systems, automation systems and machining stations, special large-diameter knitting machines, steel structures and forged metal products. A long term trend is the degree to which the industry is export orientated demonstrating the exceptional quality of its products and its competitiveness, namely in Western markets.
Footwear and Leather Industry
The footwear and leather industry, the most traditional segment in the region, is facing significant challenges because of the loss of the Russian market and increasing competition from Asia. Footwear manufacturing companies in the Zlín Region focus primarily on the production of special footwear (orthopaedic, diabetic, work and protective footwear).
ICT and Electronics
The region has a significant presence in the electrical engineering and ICT sector, an industry with great potential for innovation.
Building & Construction
Building & construction is represented in the region by several large construction companies that significantly share in the GDP output of the region.
Food Processing Industry
Food processing is represented by companies focused specifically on meat processing, durable and chilled products, vitamins and food supplements and mineral water.
Relative to 2008, the volume of goods exported from the Zlín Region in 2010 declined by 15.6 %. In absolute terms this represented a decline from 118.4 billion CZK to 99.9 billion CZK. The Zlín Region’s share of total national exports amounted to 4.7 % (in 2008 it was 4.8 %) and its contribution to the overall decline in the Czech Republic was just under 5 %. It must be noted that more than one tenth of the output in the Czech Republic cannot be apportioned by region (the share of non-specific exports has increased to 16 times its size since 2004). By translating exports to 166,000 CZK per capita, the Zlín Region ranks in 6th place.
The regions exports were dominated by machinery and equipment (34.5 %), semi-finished products and materials (33.6 %), followed by industrial consumables (11.2 %), chemicals and related products (8.6 %), foodstuffs and livestock (7.5 %).
Foreign investment in the Zlín Region
From 1993 to 2009, the Zlín Region was ranked 7th in the number of investment projects located in the Czech Republic. With the support of the CzechInvest agency, during this period, 4,469 new jobs were created and investment surpassed 21 million CZK. The total volume of investments made in the Czech Republic was 665,280 million CZK. The Zlín Region was ranked 11th in the volume of investments. Following the Zlín Region are the South Moravian and Karlovy Vary regions. The volume of direct foreign investment in the Zlín Region has increased over the last seven years. This significant increase is connected with the development of industrial zones, which brought in foreign capital.
The most significant investor in the Zlín Region is the company Continental AG. Investment of 5 billion CZK into the subsidiary in Otrokovice (the Zlín Region) by the German investor/owner (classed in the rubber production sector.)
Other major foreign investors:
- RWE SHOTT Solar –Germany – other industry
- CIE Automotive – Spain – automotive industry
- Andreas Quellmalz – Germany – automotive industry
- ON Semiconductor – USA – electronics industry
- AVX, Kyocera Group – Japan – electronics industry
- Tajmac ZPS – Italy – mechanical engineering industry
Industrial zones in the Zlín Region
16 industrial zones, suitable for foreign investors, can be found in the Zlín Region. Key development areas and industrial zones include:
- Holešov Industrial Zone (area 360 ha, Kroměříž District) – processing industry, textile production, poly-graphics, machine work, automotivendustry, electronics and plastics processing,
- Premises near Hulín (total area cca 561 ha; Kroměříž District) – building construction and processing industry,
- Zlín – Cecilka Industrial Zone (total area 22.1 ha, Zlín District) – industrial production, logistics, administration,
- Vsetín Bobrky Industrial Zone (area 24.5 ha, Vsetín District) – industrial production,
- Slavičín Industrial Zone (area 340 ha, Zlín District) – industrial production, administration,
- Lešná (area 53.9 ha; Zlín District) – industrial production,
- Kunovice (area 66 ha; Zlín District) - industrial production,
- Rožnov pod Radhoštěm – Zubří (area 20 ha; Vsetín District) – light industrial production,
- Spytihněv (area 83.7 ha; Zlín District),
- Staré Město – Hlaviny, Špilov (area cca 31 ha; Zlín District) – industrial production,
- Uherský Brod – U Slováckých strojíren (area 30 ha; Zlín District) – industrial production.