Technologické inovační centrum Zlínský kraj
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Rožnovská travní semena s.r.o.

Contact information

qr code: Rožnovská travní semena s.r.o.
Meziříčská 100, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Company ID:
Contact person:
Ing. Blanka Pivoňková
+420 571 625 311, +420 603 194 081

Description of the company's activities

Customised grass seed mixes.

Business activity

Agriculture and commerce, laboratory services.

Major products and services

Ornamental grass seed mixes (park, garden), sports (play field, golf), grass seed mixes for agricultural use (grazing, meadow), customised grass seed mixes.

Major products and services for export

Ornamental grass seed mixes (park, garden), sports play field, golf), grass seed mixes for agricultural use (grazing, meadow), customised grass seed mixes.

Number of employees


Countries of current export

Slovakia, Germany, Switzerland.

Interest to export to the following countries

Russland, Baltische Staaten

Proposal/request for partnership

Sale of grass mixes.

Certifications (ISO)

Certified laboratory issuing grass seeds and clover mixes certificates valid throughout EU, Certified ECOLOGICAL company for production of BIO seeds.

Membership in associations

Agrarian Chamber, Czech-Moravian association of seed cultivators, Association of grass and clover seed growers, Association of private agriculture CR, Union of cultivators and propagators of grass and clover seeds.


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